Eva-Lotta Lamm

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Online Visual Thinking Meet-Ups

The Visual Thinking community is vibrant, colourful, fun and growing!
And with the current global situation lots of local communities are now connecting globally online. While we are all sadly missing in-person meet-ups with face-to-face chats, drinks and hugs (Boooo!!! 😟), it also means on the other hand that we can now attend lots of events online that we would have missed otherwise (Yayyyy!!! 🥳).

I’ve been enjoying quite a bit of virtual Vizthink tourism over the last few weeks (both as a participant and as a guest speaker a couple of times) and I put together the following list of all the wonderful visual thinking meet-ups from around Europe so you can join in the fun as well! Most of the meet-ups are happening once a month, are free to join and offer learning, exchange, practice and a fun time with fellow visual thinkers.

Maybe see you online at one of these soon?
Oh, and of course, if I missed a great meet-up, just drop me line so I can add it to the list.

Visual Thinking Copenhagen

Yuri has grown an active and friendly community with monthly 3-hour long practice sessions and stellar guests. Organised by Yuri Malishenko.


A monthly meet-up for visual thinking and visual doing with inspiring guests.
Organised by Clare Mills, Lucy Burns & Robb Lockwood.

The Visual Jam

Bringing together passionate visual thinkers in a fun and friendly environment.
Organised by Paddy Dhanda and Grant Wright.

EVP Friday Cocktails

A monthly relaxed hang-out to connect, co-learn and co-create with other practitioners. It’s Friday afternoon, time to relax, draw and have a laugh!
Organised by the EVP Core Team (Sandra, Maaike, Andy, Karl, Jens, Claudia & Elaine).

Sketchnote LDN

From hobby doodlers to professional graphic recorders: Anyone who loves the power of hand-drawn images and text is welcome, regardless of ability.
Organised by Makayla Lewis.

Bikablo Meetup (alternating in German and English)

A brand new meet-up about Visual thinking and all its related fields like Sketchnoting, Graphic Recording, Visual Facilitation or Visual Storytelling.
Organised by Martin Haussmann.

German Vizthink meet-up (in German)

Germany has a big and vibrant visual thinking community. Many regions organise their own meet-ups (mostly in German, but sometimes there are English-speaking guests). Announcements about upcoming dates can be found on the Vizthink website. Vizthink RheinMain also has its own community page. Organised by various teams.

Kritzelspiele (in German)

Kritzelspiele (German for Doodle Games) is a casual monthly meet-up for everybody who enjoys doodling and meeting likeminded people. The focus is on having fun, doodling together, having a chat and enjoying the community. It takes place every first Thursday of the month and is organised by Katrin Mäntele, Marianne Rady and Marion.

Sketchnote Barcamp Germany (in German)

The German Sketchnote Barcamp has also gone online. Tickets for the 2021 edition is already sold out, but there is a waitlist in case more tickets open up.
Organised by Tanja Wehr and team.

Visual Thinking Spain (in Spanish)

Spanish-speaking meet-up: Este grupo nace con el objetivo de ser un lugar de encuentro de visual thinkers y facilitadores gráficos, de cualquier área o sector de actividad.
Organised by Bárbara Quirós.

Did I miss a great meet-up? Just drop me line so I can add it to the list.

See this content in the original post