Visual Improvisation – How improvising influences my sketchnoting Thoughts on SketchingEva-Lotta LammOctober 3, 2016Comment
Zu Gast beim Twumble Podcast Interviews & Podcasts, Thoughts on SketchingEva-Lotta LammJuly 16, 2016Comment
Sketchers are the better thinkers – Talk at LeanDUS Talks & WorkshopsEva-Lotta LammMay 23, 2016Comment
Teaching and Sketchnoting in Tel Aviv Talks & Workshops, SketchnotesEva-Lotta LammApril 12, 2016Comment
A chat about sketching, UX and taking notes Interviews & Podcasts, Thoughts on SketchingEva-Lotta LammApril 11, 2016Comment
Video: Kickstarting your sketching and visual thinking skills – at PLAY & MAKE in Duesseldorf Talks & Workshops, Thoughts on SketchingEva-Lotta LammAugust 1, 2014Comment