Visual identity for Re:Considering podcast
This summer I had the joy to work with three wonderful people –Meredith Black, Bob Baxley, and Aarron Walter – to create a visual identity for a new podcast they were launching. It’s called Re:Considering and it’s all about ‘making a life while also making a living’.
Each episode consists of an interview with someone who went through a period of professional (and/or personal) figured a few things out about living a satisfying life filled with meaning on the way.
After an initial chat about the concept of the show I was excited to take on the task to come up with a visual framework and a logo to express the topic and feel of the show in a visual way.
First exploration sketches trying out possible line styles and shape language
In our first conversation we talked about how we navigate through life and work, how we try to figure out what brings meaning to our life along the waving path of experiences and the role that improvisation plays in all that. We noticed pretty quickly that we were on the same wave length and the three trusted me and gave me pretty much total creative freedom to come up with visual ideas.
First explorations of landscape map shapes.
The idea of a map or landscape came up pretty early in our conversation. Every person’s journey is different, but they are all about transitioning and navigating a landscape, finding new places and overcoming some obstacles on the way.
More landscape explorations.
Over a few rounds of experimentation and iterations we settled on a set of shapes, compositions, colours and a lettered logotype that make up the visual identity of Re:Considering.
Lettered logotype explorations – featuring the little wandering person that also appears in the landscapes.
Pairing back the amount of elements on the imaginary maps and trying out different colours.
Combining guest information with map shapes. These are the final design variations for the episodes.
You should all go and listen to the first episodes of the podcast now and get inspired by the bold and beautiful stories the guests have to tell about their journeys:
Thank you Meredith, Bob and Aarron for your trust and a beautiful collaboration.
Portraits of the three hosts –Meredith, Bob and Aarron– for the website.