An experimental drawing session at the UX Podcast

At UXLx 2023 I sat down with James and Per from the UX Podcast to record an episode. They had invited me to talk about sketching and visual thinking and how powerful these techniques are for designers.

Quite spontaneously we decided to do something really special (and a bit crazy). Instead of just talking ABOUT sketching, we did a little live audio workshop trying out some some drawing exercises together. 

It was a joy to see James and Per get into the groove of sketching while we chatted about how visuals can give life to our ideas. The episode might be a bit chaotic but it’s also a lot of fun.

So, grab some pens and paper, and join us for a little sketching adventure. I can’t wait for you to listen and hopefully sketch along with us. 

PS: Make sure you also download the PDF with all of our sketches and check all the additional resources that are linked from the shownotes :)

PPS: And this was actually the second time I was speaking to Per and James. You can find the first episode I was on in 2020 here.