Stay Curious – A visual conversation about 'Visual Thinking'
At the end of March, my friend Marc Thiele (organiser of the fabulous Beyond Tellerrand conference), hosted another one of his Stay Curious online events and this time, Nadine Roßa and I teamed up to experiment with a slightly new format: We had a visual conversation on the topic of Sketchnoting and Visual Thinking, asking each other questions while simultaneously drawing together on a big Miro board (which worked surprisingly well!). The audience was invited to contribute their questions as well, and we ended up having a fun, insightful and intense dialogue captured in a large collaborative drawing.
The complete board at the end of the session :)
Below are some details from the board (Click on the images for a bigger view). These sketchnotes are less of a summary and more a live visual support of the conversation (as we were drawing and talking at the same time), but maybe there are a couple of points that can spark your curiosity. All in all it was an intense and fun evening, and I will continue to explore the discipline of ‘talking-and-drawing-at-the-same-time’.
And before you ask, no, there is no recording of the session. The Stay Curious events are all ‘live only’ which actually contributes to their special vibe. I like thinking of them like cool house party with a nerdy touch. Speaking of party… keep reading after the images for a special goody from the session.
As at every Stay Curious event (and Beyond Tellerrand conference), the evening got some extra fun sprinkles by Tobi Lessnow aka DJ Baldower playing some great tunes. What makes Tobi's music super special is not only the funky beats and his energetic stage presence, but the fact that he records the speakers' voices and uses them as samples to create on-the-fly tunes of the talks in the breaks. He actually describes these remixes as a kind of audio sketchnotes, and I think he's absolutely right.
I’m super honoured that Tobi also made a song from the Visual Thinking event. It's called 'All about the cake' and I couldn't stop smiling and giggling when I first heard it, because he sampled my favourite metaphor for describing what I do. Head over to his site to listen to the song and also make sure to sign up for his newsletter to download the full song and to get notified when he releases new songs.