Sketchnoting Nadine Roßa's Creative Morning talk
I finally managed to attend Creative Mornings Berlin for the first time this month (somehow I always seem to be travelling the day it’s on) and I couldn’t have wished for a better speaker for this debut than fellow sketchnoter and pen-lover Nadine Roßa.
Nadine talked about the power of drawing to remember things. She showed lots of examples from her own sketchbook as well as other people’s work (thank you, Nadine for including some of my travel-sketchnotes in your talk).
Some of Nadine's pencil illustrations from the talk
Nadine is the (yet uncrowned) queen of illustrated pencil-puns and there are lots of lovely drawings of pencils-cum-all-kinds-of-objects in her talk. This alone is a good reason to watch the recorded video (embedded at the end of the post).
Photo by Natalie Toczcek (
I took some sketchnotes during Nadine’s presentation, trying to channel her style. I love trying to figure out which details make someone’s drawings feel like theirs and in her case two of the distinct features I associate with Nadine’s style are ...
... the cute faces with their noses oriented to the side in profile but both eyes placed on the front of the face.
.. her ‘happy’ lettering style with the horizontal cross bars (of the H and the A) ‘smiling’ at you from the page.
Thank you Nadine and Creative Mornings for a happy start into my Friday. :)
Here are the full sketchnotes from the talk:
And here's the video of Nadine's talk:
See more photos from the event (all taken by Natalie Toczcek).