Sketchnotes from CanUX 2019
I had the pleasure to be invited to Canada to speak at the 10th edition of CanUX in Ottawa. CanUX is a single-track 2-day conference, organised co-chaired by Cornelius and Tanya together with a big team of volunteers. The two days of talks were diverse and excellently curated. And besides talking about Visual Thinking on Day 1, I also managed to take sketchnotes during a few of the sessions.
And, as a bonus to round up a fabulous two days, I enjoyed this beautiful moment of Bill Buxton (the author of ‘Sketching User Experience’ and pioneering Experience Designer for many decades) referencing my talk and one of my slides during his keynote at the end of day 2. If I had something like a career bucket list, this would definitely be worth a tick ;)
Bill Buxton at CanUX 2019 referencing my visual summary of Romeo and Juliet